CTAE Spotlight Douglas Armour

Douglas Armour participates in the Work-Based Learning Program and is employed with the Alto Water Department and Public Service.

"I have learned a lot on the job. Troubleshooting things like water lines makes the day go by fast and gives me experience for the future. Although I usually work during the week and Saturdays, I love the people I work with. My job is like an apprenticeship because it gives me many opportunities to be around people and learn from the best", Armour said.

Armour added, "I have learned to weld and fix fire hydrants and water lines. We worked hard to fix people's water lines during the big freeze in December. We work with the elderly a lot, and sometimes we pick up trash, but that is okay because we all need to learn to serve others".

Armour added that he thinks Banks County High School is headed in the right direction, "when we have real-life learning experiences, it helps us decide what we want to do when we leave high school."

Armour plans to attend technical school when he graduates and pursue welding or lineman school.

Students who are interested in becoming part of this program may contact Lara Jackson at [email protected].